Friday, October 7, 2016


Saturday, October 7, 2016 at about 3 pm Hurricane Matthew is bearing down on Jacksonville, FL. For days the Governor, Mayor and several officials have warned of catastrophic conditions. They have ordered evacuations. The local news is broadcasting non - stop updating conditions. Some trees are down as well as power lines. Power is out all over. Storm surges flood the coast and record rainfall causes flash floods. Damage assessments have not begun. While no detail of the storm is being overlooked and no warning left unsaid, reports of damage in Haiti are coming online. 900 dead and still counting more, villages destroyed by muddy water. No resources of food, water, basic health care on scene. Power is usually out. It's a story when it comes on. No surprise that Haiti suffers, it is a common story. Earthquakes, cholera, storms, corrupt leadership are a way of life in Haiti. Here we have plenty of warning with utility trucks and bottled water pre-positioned for areas of need. We might miss a day at the beach and Walmart is boarded up for the weekend. The interstate is jammed with cars heading west. Facebook is full of the latest adventures in the storm. The adventure in Haiti is finding sources of money for relief efforts. A hurricane in one place is a major inconvenience while in another place some one's home and garden is washed away and their life hangs by a thread again. It's hard to figure where God is in all this. It's not hard to figure what God wants me to do.

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