Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday May 12, 09

Ok since our website is down this will have to do. This Sunday I will be finishing up The Great Commission text in Matthew 28. When you think about it, it is less than you might expect. Nothing really revolutionary about it. Jesus does not say Now I have all authority and I give you some of it: so go and heal, and cast out evil spirits and fill great arenas with your preaching! No it is rather more mundane: teach, disciple, baptize. Baptize, how did that get in there? Isn't it optional, anyway? How did it make the big three? And teach? Isn't Sunday School optional, too? Disciple, who talks like that, anymore? So that's what we are up against this Sunday. See you in church.

In Church, we are collecting a box of helpful things for Rachel. Bring your stuff in real soon, so we can send it off. The youth group is having a lock in over Crabfest Saturday night. Ck with the Griffins for more info. And there is a church council meeting on May 21. Let's see if we can make it so we can be on the same page with what we think the Lord is trying to get us to do!

Rachel thanks you for your prayers. One important count is up! So she is able to continue chemo today! She says: Praise God! Jerry Roalsen began chemo and radiation in Portland OR yesterday and reports he is doing good and thanks you all for your prayers. Keep these folks in your prayers this week.

You may want to ck out Wednesday nights at Church. We have a good small group meeting to ck in with each other and pray. It lasts about an hour and starts at 6:45pm. We will be having a potluck soon, too.

The weather has been great. It's scary, some people say, its been so nice. Sign of the apocalypse? Or are we just banking our summer days now? Jerry R. said he heard it's supposed to be a Stellar Summer! I hope so. Let's see if we can get through Crabfest without rain! Wouldn't that be something?

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